Geographical location of Zaeem House
If you are planning to travel to Qazvin province, YaldaMedTour offers you a visit to the wonderful and historic Zaeem House located on Naderi Street.
History and culture of Zaeem House
No clear written records of this historic house were available, but the inscription on the south side of the monastery, dated 1022 AH, carries an inscription indicating that it belonged to the Safavid period.
This home, which has lived for three generations and was eventually housed by the family of Mr. Zaeem, a registrar, was purchased and restored by the family's cultural heritage about 10 years ago.
Architecture of Zaeem House
The house has three courtyards and a basin as well as a basement on both sides. Unfortunately, there is only one yard left today and the rest have been destroyed.
The northern part of the building has beautiful and magnificent architectures that have become home and in the southern part of the monastery, with their old mahogany carvings, mirrors, display beautiful pictures.
Alongside visiting Zaeem historical house you can visit of its magnificent and beautiful architectures and enjoy of its mahogany carvings and beautiful mirrers. It is a uniqe house with beauyiful castles.
Tips and ideas
If you go a little south of Naderi Street you will reach the Bou Ali intersection. From there ask to see the historical texture of Qazvin, You can go to Ubayd Zakani alley towards Qajar bath and then visit Saad al-Saltaneh caravanserai which main entrance door is in opposite side of Ubayd Zakani alley in Imam Khomeini street. There is a private parking lot in the Ubayd Zakani alley. There is a small door at the end of the Ministerial Order at the Sad al-saltaneh that enters the courtyard of the mosque. The mosque also reaches the end of the traditional bazaar of Qazvin. Just be careful not to get lost in the back alleys of Qazvin market.
The map below also helps you see the nearest tourist attractions around Zaeem house and plan for Qazvin Negari. All of these locations are less than 15 minutes walk away. Stay with YaldaMedTour.

Zaeem House

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