Mir Emad Square
Geographical location of Mir Emad Square
The field is located at the intersection of Naderi Boulevard, Adl Boulevard and Miramad Boulevard. It is also adjacent to the gate of the Kushk Door and the tallest building in Qazvin, named the Qazvin Trade Tower.
History and culture of Mir Emad Square
Miremad Hassani Ghazvini was the calligrapher of Nastaliq line. He was able to fortify the base of the Nastaliq line so much that his line was called the Bride of the Lines. He was born in Qazvin in 933 Solar. His name was Mohammed and he was from a large family, known as saif, which was changed to 'Emad al-Molk' or 'Miremad' later. He went to Tabriz at a young age and became a student of Mullah Mohammad Hossein in Tabriz. It is said that Miremad one day showed a piece of his line to Mullah Mohammad Hossein Tabrizi. "I wrote it myself," Miremad said. Master kissed him on the face and put her line on his eyes and said, "Today you are the calligraphy master!" And the professor called him a needless student.
Isfahan's artistic center during the reign of Shah Abbas made Miremad travel to Isfahan and spend some time in the court of Shah Abbas. But because the Shah was a fanatical Shiah and Miremad was known to be a Sunni, he was killed in 944 by the Shah's command. Of course, Shah Abbas later regretted it.
There are a number of valuable artifacts in the Calligraphy Museum of Qazvin Palace that can be viewed by those interested in it.
Architecture of Mir Emad Square
If you are careful, the design of this square is different from other squares in the city and it is very beautiful. The design of Miremad Square is in accordance with Iranian culture and art. The statue of Miremad in this square is one of the lasting statues of Iran.
The statue of the square was designed by the famous sculptor Hadi Ziauddin. It took four years to build the statue. The statue has 5 meters high and made of concrete, shows Miremad sitting and holding a pen and paper.
Tips and ideas
You can also visit Sepahsalar Mansion, the Door Gate, the Da'i Mansion and the Zaim House while visiting Miremad squar. Of course, the streets around this square are also beautiful and very good sight to see. Stay with YaldaMedTour.



Mir Emad Square

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