Paniz Taherkhani

Paniz Taherkhani
Shal Bafan Mosque

Shal Bafan Mosque

Shal Bafan Mosque built in the Qajar era and is located 45 kilometers of Ecbatana, Shal Bafan District, Hamedan, Hamedan Province, Iran.



Malayer Bazaar

Malayer Bazaar

a bazaar belongs to the Qajar era

This complex belongs to the Qajar dynasty is located in Boroujerdi Street, Malayer County, Hamedan Province, Iran.



Tomb of Habakkuk

Tomb of Habakkuk

This tomb belongs to the Achaemenid Era while Cyrus the Great's empire. Habakkuk was one of the Israelites prophets.



Golshan Caravansary

Golshan Caravansary

the oldest caravansary of Hamedan

This caravansary, where is the oldest caravansary of Hamedan Province is dedicated to the Qajar era, but some part of it remains from the Safavid era. This caravanserai has flourished in the past due to its location next to the Hamedan Traditional Bazaar and it was the business center of nearby provinces such as Zanjan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah.



Ganjnameh Ancient Inscriptions

Ganjnameh Ancient Inscriptions

These ancient inscriptions located at the begging of the Abbas Abad Valley and at the beginning of the Hamedan Road to Tuyserkan County, beside Ganjnameh Waterfall. This waterfall located 8 kilometers of the southeast of Hamedan Province and it's about 12 meters in height.



Ali Sadr Cave

Ali Sadr Cave

a mysterious cave

Ali-Sadr Cave, one of the natural wonders of the world and a rare example of navigable water caves, is located in Ali Sadr village, Kabudrahang County, 75 kilometers the northwest of Hamedan Province. The Ali Sadr Cave was created in Sari Qayah (yellow rock) Height.



Laodicea Temple

Laodicea Temple

buried legacy

Laodicea Temple is located in Nahavand County, Hamedan Province, Iran, but as a result of being forgotten, we don't know the exact location of it. According to discovered remained things from the central part of the county and Do-khaharan (two-sisters) Hill, there is a possibility that the temple is buried in this area.



Abbas Abad Tourist Complex Resort

Abbas Abad Tourist Complex Resort

Abbas Abad Hill is a great tourist spot in Hamedan Province, especially in summer; where you have access to lots of facilities to enjoy your time. Outdoor cinema, skating rink, restaurant, coffee shop, mosque, and public parking are beautifully designed in this area.



Aq Bolagh Ecotourism Resort

Aq Bolagh Ecotourism Resort

Aq Bolagh Ecotourism Resort is located 5 kilometers after Lalejin to the Tehran Road, adjacent to Latgah village, Aq Bolagh village, Hamedan Province, Iran.



Mausoleum of Baba Taher

Mausoleum of Baba Taher

suitable place for eternal peace

Baba Taher was among the great poets in Iran. He was born in 1000 AD and lived his mysterious life in Hamedan and died there. "Baba", was his most famous title and it means preceptor, and "Oryan" the second title refers to avoiding secular interests.



Qaleh Bath

Qaleh Bath

Try a restaurant inside a bath

The Qaleh Bath is located in Qaleh (ghashogh tarashan) district is located at Shariati Street, one of the most ancient districts of Hamedan Province, Iran.



Persian Black Tea

Persian Black Tea

a miracle among Persian tastes

If I want to open up a story about tea values in my country, you should spend hours to read it, so I'll keep it simple. One of the first countries that accepted the tea in its culture was Iran. At the beginning, tea was only a beverage for a certain time but over times we put it in our lifestyle.